Hong Kong IP Services

Intellectual Property Services (Hong Kong)

Standard Patent
  • 20 years of protection
  • based on designated patent applications – China, UK, EU
Stage Standard Patent Service fee HKD$ Official fee HKD$
Request to record
Title and abstract English translation
Advertisement fee
Request to grant
Advertisement fee
Mailing Certificate
Maintaining application

The standard patent in Hong Kong is based on the registration of a patent granted by the following three ‘designated patent offices’:

  1. the State Intellectual Property Office, People’s Republic of China
  2. the European Patent Office, in respect of a patent designating the United Kingdom
  3. the United Kingdom Patent Office.

There are two stages:

  1. A request to record (stage 1) should be filed within six months after the publication of the designated patent application

  2. A request for grant (stage 2) should be filed at the latest within six months after publication of the request to record or the grant of the designated patent by the designated patent office.

Stage 1 – What are the required documents and information?

  1. a copy of the published designated patent application
  2. the title of the invention in both English and Chinese
  3. an abstract in both English and Chinese

Stage 2 – What are the required documents and information?

  1. a copy of the published specification of the designated patent
  2. the title of invention in both English and Chinese
Patent Application Grant (PAG)
  • up to HK$250,000
  • Functional inventions with technology elements and industrial application only
  • time to grant: 6+ months
The PAG is a funding scheme administered by the Innovation and Technology Commission to help Hong Kong local companies and individuals to obtain patents. Subject to an administration fee, a grant of HK$250,000 will be available to the application upon approval.

What kind of applications will be supported?
Functional inventions with technology elements and industrial application are eligible.  Cosmetic design on products are not eligible.

Who are eligible to apply?
Hong Kong local incorporated companies and permanent resident which/who have never owned any patents in any countries or territories before.

How we can help you?
Our patent agents have experience in helping clients successfully obtaining the grant fund and getting patents worldwide.  We offer free consultation service in relation to PAG.  We can help the applicant to prepare necessary documents for filing and we also provide our professional opinion along the process.

For more information
You may visit the PAG page from ITC for more information.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


  • HKD 5,000
  • include official fees (one class), service fee, and basic mark search
  • time to get trademark: <1 year

HKD 5,000 for single class trademark registration.  HKD 2,000 for each additional class.  Including service fees, official fees, grant and certificate mailing.

Time to get trademark
6-8 months

10 years

What are the required documents and information?

  1. a copy of personal identification or business registration*
  2. an address*
  3. trademark logo
  4. goods or services associated with the mark

* Translation of the above mentioned documents may be required

Free consultation and basic mark search.  For other services and fees, please contact us. 

Intellectual  Property Services

Hong Kong